鄭木彰 Tay Bak Chiang 新加坡 b.1973
出生於1973年,1995年畢業於新加坡南洋藝術學院,1997年赴杭州中國美術學院進修 。他獲頒第19屆(2000年)及22屆(2003年)大華银行年度繪畫比賽中國畫組首獎。2002年他獲新加坡國家藝術理事會頒發的青年藝術家獎。木彰的作品被私人收藏家和公共機構收藏,包括新加坡總統府、外交部、駐紐約聯合國常任代表處、國家美術館,和西盟斯當代藝術收藏、新電信、SC Global Developments、 瑞士再保險、華僑銀行、大華銀行、新加坡文華東方酒店、新加坡香格里拉大酒店、以及倫敦碎片大厦香格里拉大酒店等。
鄭木彰的創作題材以新加坡和東南亞大自然裡的花卉、小動物及景觀為主, 例如棕櫚、向日葵、天堂鳥、荷塘及石頭。他以創新的技巧、媒介及颜色,重新詮釋這些題材,呈現出獨特的形式和構圖 。他用大膽亮麗的顏色和簡約形式塑造荷花,以粗大簡樸的黑色線條直率地表現荷花枝幹,也運用墨和色粉,刻畫出層次豐富、絢麗多彩的石頭。木彰擅於透過對大自然的感受和觀察,借由畫筆抒發自己的情感與創作理念。
Born in 1973, Bak Chiang graduated from the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in Singapore in 1995 and studied at the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, China, in 1997. He was awarded the First Prize in the Chinese Painting category in the 19th and 22nd United Overseas Bank Painting of the Year Competitions (2000 and 2003 respectively). In 2002 he received the Young Artist Award from the National Arts Council of Singapore.
His works are collected by private collectors and public agencies, such as The Istana, Singapore; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore; Permanent Mission of Singapore to the United Nations, New York; National Gallery Singapore; Simmons & Simmons Contemporary Art Collection; Singtel; SC Global Developments; Swiss Re; OCBC Bank; United Overseas Bank; Mandarin Oriental, Singapore; Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore; and Shangri-La Hotel at The Shard, London.
Tay Bak Chiang paints subjects found in the nature of Singapore and Southeast Asia, such as heliconias, lotus ponds and rocks. He seeks to reinterpret them inventively in terms of form, composition, technique, material and colour. Lotus flowers, for example, are depicted as minimalist forms in bold hues; lotus stalks as thick, unembellished black strokes; and stones as textured shapes and sculptural blocks in intense colours made by combining pigments and traditional Chinese ink. Through these subjects, he expresses his sentiments and philosophies.