安・索菲・吉倫 Anne-Sophie Gilloen 法國 b.1971
在感性和直覺上,安·索菲·吉倫(Anne-Sophie Gilloen)創造出充滿詩意的人物所自行組成的小宇宙,透由形塑每個人物來訴說他們所各自代表的生活片段。 藝術家的靈感來自觀察許多視而不見的日常:人物以及他們的情緒、他們的疑惑和他們的夢想,透過藝術家的巧手轉換,讓人們以不同的眼光看待生活。她更喜歡賦予作品幽默,幻想,遐想與詩性,她的人物雕塑在一個充滿詩意的世界中,使觀者不覺回到最感性與私密的片段,也提醒世界,有時需要互相傾訴和傾聽,以品味生活。
All in sensuality and intuition, Anne-Sophie Gilloen has created a universe populated by poetic fellows who tell their way of the moments of life. She particularly enjoys working at coils and engobes. Her inspirations are people and their emotions, their doubts and dreams. Her sculptures thus evolve in a poetic world that brings us back to our most intimate.
Anne-Sophie likes to observe everyday things, those near which we often pass without seeing anything. She likes to take the time to stop by these little things, observe them, detail them, have fun with them change context and shift them. This is where it plays out, this is where that suddenly poetry can be born. And poetry is everywhere for whom give themselves the means to perceive it