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Desk, 2015, Tempered Glass, Sandblast & LED Backlit, 53x71cm.png
黃善台 Hwang Seontae  韓國  b.1972



黃善台孤立的室內空間裝置,總是帶來一絲希望的微光,讓人想起愛德華∙霍普 (Edward Hopper) 的暫停時刻,為這次的展出譜下一段合適的終曲。韓國觀念藝術家徐道獲 (Suh Do-ho) 曾經分別以懸掛尼龍與絲,來重新創造他位於紐約以及首爾的公寓,其所留下來的寂寥感與黃善台靜止的意象所要表達的,十分相似。這些簡約的室內空間裝置,帶來少有的撫慰,隨著窗戶透出的微光,藝術家為觀者帶來短暫的平靜與清晰的思路,提供一個可以自由呼吸與面對人生凡壤的地方。我們處在一個日益依賴新科技媒體與物質文化的時代,我們是對於自我與他人都迷戀的世代。在公與私的生活領域界線越來越不受到尊重的同時,幾乎沒有什麼是難以不被知道的,也似乎再也沒有我們可以擁有隱私的地方,即便是在我們自己的家中。黃善台的作品企圖使觀者感到身心愉快,將我們從社會的壓力中釋放出來,並且讓我們知道,我們不需要再讓消費主義侵略我們生活中的每一個面向。


曾多次在南韓、紐約、德國和奧地利展出。2005年榮獲Merseburger Kunstpreis 和 Leowenhof-Foerderpreis 雙項大獎。

 Hwang Seon Tae was born in South Korea in 1972. He studied at Kyunghee University (B.F.A) and trained in glass art and sculpture at the University of Art and Design, Halle, Germany. He later completed his postgraduate studies in Glass Art, at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design in 2006. 

The deracinated interiors of Hwang Seon Tae bring to mind Edward Hopper's moments of suspended time and provide a fitting finale to the exhibition because they offer a glimmer of hope. The Korean conceptualist, Suh Do-ho, once precisely recreated his apartment in New York and his flat in Seoul in nylon and silk drapes respectively, and left a similar sense of longing to that left by Hwang's still impressions. Longing rather than loss; for these interiors are, alone amongst the work in this exhibition, quiet contemplative spaces.


These minimalist interiors offer a rare moment of solace. As the light emanates through the windows Hwang instills an instant feeling of calm and clarity of thought in the viewer. A place that offers the opportunity to breath freely and face life on one's own terms. In an age where we are becoming increasingly more reliant on new media and material culture, we live in a generation obsessed with ourselves and each other. The boundaries between public and private life are increasingly becoming less distinguished that there is little left to be deciphered or discovered. It seems there is no longer place for privacy, even within the confines of our own homes, Hwang’s spaces provide a refreshing release from societal pressures and show us that we do not need to let consumerism invade every aspect of our life. 

Hwang Seon Tae has exhibited extensively across South Korea, New York, Germany and Austria. In 2005, he won the Grand Prize for both the ‘Merseburger Kunstpreis’ and the ‘Leowenhof-Foerderpreis’. 

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